For nearly 40 years, Michael Doyle has been hiring, training and developing sellers and sales managers around the United States. The success of your business is tied to the success of your sales team. The team will:

  • Diagnose:   Evaluate Your Leadership,  Your Sales Team, Your Sales Lyrics, Your Sales Training, And Your Pricing Strategies.
  • Prescribe:  Provide A Detailed Treatment Plan To Improve Your Revenue Outcomes, And Be With You Every Step Of The Way To Make Sure It Cures Your Problems.
  • Align: If we don’t agree upon next steps with you and your team, we both fail.

  • Execute and Report:  Provide Step by Step coaching and development to focus on agreed upon sales growth.  We are sales professionals.  We will report on how we are doing against our shared goals.

It’s not about the product, it’s about the process.


The Right Leadership.

Does your sales leadership provide an environment for success? Do they develop and grow people, or do they see their role as scorekeepers? What training and development have you provided for them to help them build their skills, develop their people, and improve your sales?

The Right Hires.

Most sales organizations spend too much time complaining that they can’t find sales people. Most sales hiring managers don’t have a great system for interviewing, and hiring. Better hires mean better sales outcomes. Better sales outcomes result in higher retention of salespeople.

The Right Training.

You assume your sales leadership can on-board and train salespeople. In many small and medium businesses, the training does not exist. Knowing the product is table stakes in today’s world. Knowing how to prospect, identify customer’s ‘pain’ and prescribe the right solutions is critical to sales success.


Sell it.

Understanding a system for selling that develops long term customers is the key to developing your business.

  • How to position themselves instead of just their product.

  • Targeting the right prospects.

  • Asking great questions, and providing matching solutions.

  • Creating ideas - you can compare the price of a product, but you cannot compare the price of a solution.

Deliver it.

It all begins with an idea, but many customers are lost when the product is not delivered properly. On-boarding customers is as critical as on-boarding new employees. Do your new customers know what to expect, how to interact with your company. Are you meeting their expectations? Your customer experience (CX) is as important as your ability to close. We help you hone the skills needed to deliver on your promises.

Retain it.

Many sales organizations are so focused on landing a new customer, they don’t understand the value of customer retention. Our system is focused on customer delivery with the goal of customer retention. The MD Media Sales prescription system is focused on setting right expectations, delivering results, gaining renewals, and getting referrals.