Case Studies


Doubled Revenue - Market Share up from 17% to 33% in Five Years

As Market Manager, we were able to focus our sales and programming strategies on three key areas: Improving our Yield Per Minute and Sellout, Training our team to develop new Key Clients, and utilizing our existing station signals to improve ratings. Our competitors were CBS Radio and Clear Channel. Our reputation went from the land of misfit toys, to the premier place to work in media. Our results were outstanding. We assembled a great team, trained our sellers to be marketers, and we built an excellent reputation for delivering on our promises.

From Loser to Leader in The Mid-South

A perennial money loser, the turnaround of this mid-south market started with an evaluation, and change in leadership. Identifying a new General Manager who loved the market, we found a leader who lacked experience as a GM, but knew the market and had great management and leadership skills. We built a sales organization focused on local, launched a new sports station with local hosts, and more than doubled local revenue in just a few years..


Digital Product Sales Increase by $30M

The launch of a new product set at a legacy media company was met with much fanfare, and very little revenue. That’s when they turned to MD. Analyzing the problem, we realized that more product training was needed, improved vendor partnership was a necessity, and building confidence by the sales team was critical to improving sales. We changed vendors and fulfillment strategies, built in-person and on-line training, and focused our team not on product knowledge, but on how our products solve common customer problems. Over a 3 year period, we grew revenue by $30M, focusing on Key Customers, better product selection, and improved communication. The old saying is true, what looks like resistance is often a lack of clarity. We made it clear, and grew revenue exponentially.


Small Station Cluster - Big Market Problem

Taking over responsibility for this top 50 midwestern group, we were in a highly competitive market, with only 2 FM stations, and many major competitors. New management was hired to the General Manager, Sales Manager and Programming positions which resulted in a four year growth cycle that took this small but mighty cluster to an aggregate growth of over 57% in revenue. Our experience shows us that first you need to understand the problems, get the right people on the bus, and create a strategy that wins now and in the future.