Are you still learning?


Recently a Radio GM texted me asking for thoughts on books for himself and a relatively new sales pro working on his team.  It seems the new AE wanted to learn more about marketing and advertising.  This made the GM realize that he has been so focused on the short term in the past few years, he had not focused on his own continuing education.  

Are you so focused on cutting down the tree that you are forgetting to ‘sharpen the saw?’   I set a goal this year to read 30 books, some fiction, some non-fiction. Learning about marketing, advertising, or business is a great way to make your sales conversations improve.  I’ve listed some of my favorite business books below:

  1. Good to Great - Jim Collins

  2. Upstream - Dan Heath.

  3. Made to Stick - Chip and Dan Heath.

  4. The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing - Trout & Ries.

  5. The Effective Executive - Peter Drucker.

  6. Start with Why - Simon Sinek.

  7. Blue Ocean Strategy - Mauborgne and Chan.

  8. Purple Cow - Seth Godin.

  9. Think Again - Adam Grant.

  10. The Undoing Project - Michael Lewis.

What are some of your favorites. Put them in the comments below.









The Three Things You Need to Close Any Sale


50 First Dates: Or how to improve sales by focusing on service.